Monday, March 29, 2021

Death Announcement - Alhaj Mumtaz Hassanali Datoo


It is with profound grief and sorrow that we inform you of the sad demise of *Alhaj Mumtaz Hassanali Datoo* of Dar es Salaam in *Nairobi.*

The deceased was the *husband* to *Misbah Bai Datoo* of *Dar es Salaam*, *father* to *Sis. Sukaina Bhimani* of *Dar es Salaam, Sis Khairoon Kassam, Sis Sajida Rashid and Sis. Arefa Khimji* of *Nairobi.*

The burial program will take place tomorrow *Tuesday, 30th March 2021- 9:00 am at JIC Lavington.*

*MEMBERS ARE STRICTLY DIRECTED TO ADHERE TO COVID-19 PROTOCOLS SET BY MOH AND SAAJ NAIROBI* _(No shaking hands or hugging, social distancing and wearing of mask is mandatory)._


9:00 am - Surah Yaseen
9:10 am - Majlis
9:25 am - Namaaz e Mayyit

Mu'mineen are requested to give some Sadaqah on behalf of Marhum, remember him with Duas of Maghferah & Namaze Wahshat *tomorrow night.*

It is highly recommended to recite Salat Hadiyatil Mayyit at anytime for Marhumeen.

*SAAJ Secretariat*